Things you don’t expect to ruin your training!!!

So when I started out doing this crazy stunt till the end of April 18 the obvious crocodile in the water to worry about is injuries! Let’s be honest i’m no spring chicken and frankly 26 miles of pounding the pavement can’t be the greatest treatment to a couple of worn out being me I have invented a whole new type of injury in the marathon training catalogue called ‘wrapping yourself round a tree’. Ok I admit technically I wasn’t running as I was rather precariously enrolled on a mountain bike course basically trying to wing it on a requirement to have the technical ability of a Jedi ninja when in reality I have the ability of coco the clown on a uni-cycle. What’s this got to do with marathon training I hear you cry well in a momement of delusion and far to much overconfidence I lifted the bike clear into the air jumping of a nice solid knee high rock! With both wheels off the ground and thinking I looked like Elliot off ET in the flying bike sequence in front of the moon the harsh reality was I was going far too quick it’s was about half a second of actual air time and when I landed I had a rather large painful looking tree in front of me!!!! CRASH!!!!

I found myself at the bottom of the tree with  a slightly bent out of shape helmet the bike wrapped round me a sore head and neck but luckily the ability to move all my limbs!!! Sadly though and this is the marathon disaster bit I was in pain!!! A lot!!! A trip to see my doc helped with some lovely painkillers and although running was out for a couple of weeks I managed to get a cheeky 10 miler in last Sunday so back on track..........luckily I have heeded the warning and I’m back playing football tomorrow.......what could possibly go wrong??lol


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